1) Нажми на картинки, чтобы услышать слова.

archaeologist astronomer emperor
construct earthquake storage
fountain huge amazing

2) Выполни задания на карточке.

A. Read the text again (p.86) and fill in the words.

dates back, storage, amazing, huge, exactly, constructed, discovered, astronomers, archaeologist, emperor, earthquakes, fountains

In 1911 an American ____________ Hiram Bingham ___________ the lost city of Machu Picchu. He found ___________ things. There were homes for people, a beautiful palace for the __________, and even a _________ pyramid. The city had temples, ___________ rooms, and water ____________ . All the buildings were strong. Even ______________ didn't destroy them. The Incas were great builders, _____________ , and farmers. They _____________ terraced fields around the city. Machu Picchu ____________ to 1436. Today nobody knows what it was ___________ and why the Incas left it.

B. Ask special questions, e.g.:
Hiram Bingham travelled to Peru in 1911.
When did Hiram Bingham travel to Peru?

1) He saw walls of stone.
What ______________________________________
2) The Incas built the city high in the mountains.
Where _____________________________________
3) Bingham found amazing things there.
What ______________________________________
4) The city had running water.
What ______________________________________
5) The Incas constructed terraced fields to grow food.
Why ______________________________________
6) They grew potatoes, corn, and cocoa.
What ______________________________________
7) One day, the people left Machu Picchu.
When _____________________________________

C. Learn the words for the dictation.

storage, amazing, huge, exactly, construct, fountain, astronomer, archaeologist, emperor, earthquake